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S-Appl Spt Mktg Res


Survey design, implementation and analysis relating to sport audiences and consumers with a focus on brand management theory. Students participate in market research projects in conjunction with regional and national sports organizations. Lecture and field work.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

S-Economics of Sports


Students use economic analysis to study a wide variety of issues affecting the sport industry. Topics examined include: optimal ticket pricing strategies; the effects of free agency and collective bargaining processes on player salaries; the effects of league-wide policies such as revenue-sharing, salary caps, and luxury taxes on team financial performance and on league competitive balance, and; the impacts and rationales for government subsidization of stadiums. Both professional and college sports are examined.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Sport Labor Relatns


Analysis of labor relations in professional sport. Emphasis on the laws of contracts, antitrust, agency, and labor relations. Examination of the collective bargaining process through negotiation projects.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Soc-Hstcl Fnd Mod Sp


Critical historical analysis of sport as a social structure in the U.S. Key areas of exploration include sport as a cultural product, social relations within sport, sport management structures, and contemporary social issues.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Independent Study


Contact department for description.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Women in Business


The purpose of this course is to provide students with a broad introduction to the experiences, barriers, opportunities, and networking for women in sport business. Students will examine a range of topics including but not limited to women in leadership, sexism and gender underrepresentation, networking, personal branding, managing up, negotiating, and other topics uniquely relevant to women working in sport business. Upon completion of this course, students should understand how the various dimensions of the gendered workplace influences the experiences of women in sport.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit
Course Notes
Enrollment requirement for 1st yr. MBA/MS students. Please contact Sport Management Graduate Program Director for permission to register.

Applied Topics in Sport Management


This applied, industry-designed course will provide students with a clear vision of the overall sport sponsorship industry, and allow them to analyze sponsorship opportunities from the perspective of key industry stakeholders: properties, brands, agencies, and consumers. With careful consideration of emerging business trends, challenges and consumer insights, this course educates on the ways in which sport sponsorship stakeholders prove return on investment, and accomplish stated sponsorship objectives.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Honors Research


The Commonwealth Honors College thesis or project is intended to provide students with the opportunity to work closely with faculty members to define and carry out in-depth research or creative endeavors. It provides excellent preparation for students who intend to continue their education through graduate study or begin their professional careers. The student works closely with their 499Y Honors Research sponsor to pursue research on a topic or question of special interest to them in preparation for writing a 499T Honors Thesis or completing a 499P Honors Project.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit
Course Notes
Students registering for Honors Research must find a faculty sponsor with whom to plan their work. Submit their proposal through CHC PATHS ( for online approval by their sponsor, committee, and other reviewers, including the Academic Standards Committee of the Faculty Senate's Commonwealth Honors College Council. Once fully approved it will be registered in SPIRE by Commonwealth Honors College. REGISTRATION SHOULD BE DONE DURING PRE-REGISTRATION AND COMPLETED BEFORE THE END OF THE ADD-DROP PERIOD.

Honors Thesis


Honors Thesis expectations are high. The intended end-product is a traditional research manuscript with accompanying artifact(s), all theses: - are 6 credits or more of sustained research on a single topic, typically conducted over two semesters. - begin with creative inquiry and systematic research. - include documentation of substantive scholarly endeavor. - culminate in an oral defense or other form of public presentation.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit
Course Notes
Students registering for an Honors Thesis following Honors Research (499Y) must have the approval of their faculty committee. Submit their proposal through CHC PATHS ( for online approval by their sponsor, committee, and other reviewers, including the Academic Standards Committee of the Faculty Senate's Commonwealth Honors College Council. Once fully approved it will be registered in SPIRE by Commonwealth Honors College. REGISTRATION SHOULD BE DONE DURING PRE-REGISTRATION AND COMPLETED BEFORE THE END OF THE ADD-DROP PERIOD.

Honors Project


Honors Project expectations are high. The intended end-product is a traditional project manuscript with accompanying artifact(s), all projects: - are 6 credits or more of sustained research on a single topic, typically conducted over two semesters. - begin with creative inquiry and systematic research. - include documentation of substantive scholarly endeavor. - culminate in an oral defense or other form of public presentation.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit
Course Notes
Students registering for an Honors Project following Honors Research (499Y) must have the approval of their faculty committee. Submit their proposal through CHC PATHS ( for online approval by their sponsor, committee, and other reviewers, including the Academic Standards Committee of the Faculty Senate?s Commonwealth Honors College Council. Once fully approved it will be registered in SPIRE by Commonwealth Honors College. REGISTRATION SHOULD BE DONE DURING PRE-REGISTRATION AND COMPLETED BEFORE THE END OF THE ADD-DROP PERIOD.
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