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S-Behavioral Research in Accounting


Contact department for description.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Qualitative Research


Contact department for description.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Pro Seminar In Marketing


Not available at this time

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Seminar- Sustainability and Organizations


Sustainability is the leitmotif that strings through many theories of the organization. In this module, we explore the historical roots of sustainability in management research and examine sustainability through several theoretical lenses represented in organizational scholarship. We will discuss empirical strategies and methodological approaches used by scholars studying sustainability. Through critical discussions of assigned readings, we will place the research interests of the module participants in the context of the current literature on sustainability to identify avenues for potential contributions.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

S- Seminar in International Management


The course is intended to expose doctoral students to the major research areas that underpin the field of international management. Some of the areas will include the impact of globalization, the role of multinational corporations, international entry modes, and corporate and national culture. A number of seminal articles will be assigned to familiarize students with the variety of theoretical and empirical approaches used in the study of international management. The intent is to raise questions in reviewing the articles to uncover avenues and opportunities for pursuing further research in the field.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

S-Strategic Management


Description not available at this time

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Integer Programming


Not available at this time

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Seminar in Management Science


Presentation of journal reports on business topics utilizing a quantitative approach.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit
Course Notes
Class meets in ISOM G011

Multvar Meth Bus Res


Techniques of multivariate statistical an-alysis as applied to business research. Discriminant analysis, canonical correlation, multivariate analysis of variance and covariance, factor analysis, cluster analysis.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit

Stochastic Models


Modeling and solution of decision problems under uncertainty. Topics include stochastic dynamic programming (Markov decision processes), covering both finite and infinite horizon problems; and stochastic linear/integer programming. Several computational techniques and applications are presented.

Course Details

Spring 2024

This class is non-credit
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