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Sports Policy


Introduction to the analysis of strategic problems and decisions facing sport managers and leaders as well as ethical and implementation issues. This course for seniors integrates academic work from both General Education and major courses and satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for SptMgt majors. [No credit after SPORTMGT 480.]

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Economics Of Sport


The use of economic analysis to analyze issues related to the sport industry. Topics include ticket pricing strategies, monopolization, players' labor markets, revenue-sharing, salary caps, competitive balance, and the subsidization of stadiums.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Sport Sponsorship Strategy


This course identifies and analyzes the 3 key stakeholders driving corporate sponsorship activity within the commercial sports ecosystem: agency, property/rights holder, and corporate sponsor. The course educates on the functional roles involved in properly executing sponsorship objectives and strategies, while critically examining key industry themes such as contract building, brand activation, measurement/analytics, and rights holder modeling.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Sport Finance and Business


Basic theory in finance and accounting applied to managerial control of sport organizations. Includes forms of ownership, taxation, financial analysis, feasibility studies, and economic impact studies.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Sport Finance and Business


Basic theory in finance and accounting applied to managerial control of sport organizations. Includes forms of ownership, taxation, financial analysis, feasibility studies, and economic impact studies.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Diversity and Inclusion in Sport


This course examines an encompassing perspective of diversity within North American and international sport organizations. Specifically, the purpose of this course is to provide students with an analysis and understanding of the various ways that people within sport organizations can differ, and how differences based on this diversity impact life experiences and outcomes. Modules to be discussed include Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion, Forms of Diversity (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, age, mental and physical ability, appearance, religious beliefs, and social class), and Organizational Inclusiveness.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Independent Study


Projects, papers, or research. Must be approved and sponsored by a faculty member and approved by the chair of the curriculum committee.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Independent Study


Projects, papers, or research. Must be approved and sponsored by a faculty member and approved by the chair of the curriculum committee.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Independent Study


Projects, papers, or research. Must be approved and sponsored by a faculty member and approved by the chair of the curriculum committee.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit

Independent Study


Projects, papers, or research. Must be approved and sponsored by a faculty member and approved by the chair of the curriculum committee.

Course Details

Fall 2024

This class is non-credit
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