Varvara Plotnichenko is a master of science in business analytics (MSBA) student set to graduate in spring 2025. Originally hailing from Weston, MA, she also holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry

Varvara Plotnichenko is a master of science in business analytics (MSBA) student set to graduate in spring 2025. Originally hailing from Weston, MA, she also holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from UMass and chose to enroll in one of Isenberg’s accelerated master’s programs to enhance her professional skill set.

How did you choose the MSBA program? How do you see it complementing your undergraduate degree?

I have a BS in biochemistry and molecular biology, so the MSBA program is definitely a big change from my undergraduate experience. I began considering 4+1 programs at UMass during my junior year, and the MSBA program was most appealing to me based on its curriculum. Understanding how to analyze and work with data to make informed decisions is becoming more and more crucial across every industry, so I knew that what I learned in the program would prove to be valuable. I am following the Business Foundations track within the MSBA program, which I feel gives me a very well-rounded education, a solid understanding of how decisions are made, and an opportunity to apply the data science skills from other MSBA classes outside of the track.

What have been your favorite classes and experiences at Isenberg so far?

I really loved the Career and Professional Development MSBA Bootcamp that was held at the beginning of the fall semester. It was an incredible and immersive introduction to the extensive career resources that Isenberg provides. It also gave me an opportunity to network with my peers and alumni who shared so much insight and advice.

What clubs and extracurriculars do you participate in?

I am a member of the UMass Fashion Organization and have walked in two of their spring fashion shows. I am looking forward to being in the show again this spring. I have also walked in the UMass Soul TV fashion show twice. Both clubs allowed me to be part of an incredibly supportive and inspiring community of people that truly shaped my UMass experience.

Have you had any jobs or internships during college?

I have been an intern at BostonGene for two years. I am part of the R&D NGS team and have loved every minute of my internship. Contributing to research for personalized cancer treatments and understanding the role that genetic profiling plays in that is very important to me personally and is a perfect application of my education and experience.

What are you planning after graduation?

I hope to work in the biotech industry post-graduation, and I believe that the combination of what I’ve studied for my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, along with the many other skills I gained during my time at UMass, will empower me to achieve all of my professional goals.

If you could go back and give your first-year self some advice, what would you tell them?

I would tell myself to never give up and know that every effort I made and difficult experience I pushed through would pay off, even if it didn’t seem like it at times. Also, I would remind myself to be proud of every accomplishment, big or small.