Journal List and Rank
Journal of Accounting Research |
A+ |
Journal of Accounting and Economics |
A+ |
Accounting Review |
A+ |
Accounting, Organizations and Society |
A+ |
Contemporary Accounting Research |
A+ |
Review of Accounting Studies |
A+ |
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory |
A |
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy |
A |
Journal of Business Ethics | A |
Management Accounting Research | A |
Accounting Horizons | A- |
Journal of Accounting Literature |
A- |
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting |
A- |
Behavioral Research in Accounting |
A- |
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance |
A- |
Journal of Management Accounting Research |
A- |
Journal of Financial Reporting | A- |
Abacus | A- |
Journal of Finance |
A+ |
Journal of Financial Economics |
A+ |
Review of Financial Studies |
A+ |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis |
A+ |
Review of Finance | A+ |
Journal of Banking & Finance |
A |
Journal of Financial Intermediation |
A |
Journal of Financial Markets |
A |
Journal of Corporate Finance |
A |
Journal of Empirical Finance |
A |
Financial Management |
A |
Financial Analysts Journal |
A |
Review of Asset Pricing Studies | A |
Review of Corporate Finance Studies | A |
Journal of Portfolio Management |
A- |
Journal of Derivatives |
A- |
Journal of Futures Markets |
A- |
The Journal of Computational Finance |
A- |
Journal of Investment Management |
A- |
European Financial Management |
A- |
Annals of Tourism Research: A Social Sciences Journal |
A+ |
Tourism Management |
A+ |
International Journal of Hospitality Management | A+ |
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly |
A |
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research |
A |
Journal of Travel Research |
A |
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management |
A |
Journal of Sustainable Tourism |
A |
Tourism Economics | A |
International Journal of Tourism Research |
A- |
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management |
A- |
Tourism Analysis |
A- |
Current Issues in Tourism |
A- |
Journal of Vacation Marketing |
A- |
The Service Industries Journal |
A- |
Journal of Service Management |
A- |
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | A- |
Information Systems Research |
A+ |
MIS Quarterly |
A+ |
Journal of Management Information Systems |
A+ |
Journal of the Association for Information Systems |
A+ |
Decision Sciences |
A |
European Journal of Information Systems |
A |
Journal of Information Technology |
A |
Information Systems Journal |
A |
Journal of Strategic Information Systems |
A |
Information & Management |
A |
Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce |
A- |
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management |
A- |
ACM Transactions on Information Systems |
A- |
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies |
A- |
Information and Organization |
A- |
Data Base for Advances in Information Systems |
A- |
International Journal of Electronic Commerce |
A- |
Information Technology and People |
A- |
Academy of Management Review |
A+ |
Academy of Management Journal |
A+ |
Administrative Science Quarterly |
A+ |
Strategic Management Journal |
A+ |
Journal of Applied Psychology |
A+ |
Organizational Science |
A+ |
Journal of Business Venturing |
A |
Journal of Management |
A |
Journal of International Business Studies |
A |
Leadership Quarterly |
A |
Organizational Research Methods |
A |
Journal of Management Studies |
A |
Personnel Psychology |
A |
Journal of Organizational Behavior |
A |
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes |
A |
Organization Studies |
A |
Human Relations | A |
Research Policy | A |
Strategic Organization |
A |
Strategy Science | A- |
Journal of Consumer Research |
A+ |
Journal of Marketing |
A+ |
Journal of Marketing Research |
A+ |
Marketing Science |
A+ |
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science |
A+ |
Journal of Consumer Psychology | A+ |
Journal of Interactive Marketing |
A |
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing |
A |
Journal of Retailing |
A |
Journal of Advertising |
A |
Journal of Service Research |
A |
International Journal of Research in Marketing | A |
Journal of Business Research |
A |
Industrial Marketing Management |
A- |
Journal of Consumer Affairs |
A- |
Marketing Letters |
A- |
Psychology & Marketing |
A- |
Journal of Advertising Research |
A- |
Marketing Theory | A- |
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research | A- |
Management Science |
A+ |
Operations Research |
A+ |
Production and Operations Management |
A+ |
Manufacturing & Services Operations Management |
A+ |
Journal of Operations Management |
A+ |
INFORMS Journal on Computing |
A+ |
European Journal of Operational Research |
A |
IIE Transactions |
A |
Naval Research Logistics |
A |
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological |
A |
Journal of the Operational Research Society |
A |
Transportation Science |
A |
Annals of Operations Research |
A- |
Decision Sciences |
A- |
Journal of Global Optimization |
A- |
Networks |
A- |
Omega - International Journal of Management Science |
A- |
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review |
A- |
Journal of Sport Management |
A+ |
Sport Management Review |
A+ |
Sociology of Sport Journal |
A |
European Sport Management Quarterly |
A |
Sport Marketing Quarterly |
A |
International Review for the Sociology of Sport |
A |
Journal of Sports Economics |
A- |
Journal of Sport and Social Issues |
A- |
Sport in Society |
A- |
Sport Business and Management |
A- |
International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship |
A- |