Earning the Award, Easy as 1-2-3
If you are a new member (have not yet logged service hours), please fill out the Candidate Registration Form! This form will register you for our mailing list and provide you with service opportunities to progress you towards earning the award. Please refer to our Requirements Form to gain more in-depth details about the award.
Get Involved! Your service hours can be for any non-profit organization and is NOT limited to the Amherst area. These hours MUST be completed during your time as an undergraduate student but can be from school, home, internships, service trips, organization events, etc. Global Citizens has many partnered organizations in the local area with recurring service opportunities and can be seen here.
To receive credit for your service hours, you must complete the Hour Logging Form. Candidates with 100 Service hours at the end of their undergraduate career will earn the Global Citizens Award of Outstanding Citizenship upon graduation!
Hours can be inputted retroactively, however ensure that all information is accurate as it will be verified.

Global Citizens Council
The Global Citizens Council is the student advisory board that is responsible for facilitating the Global Citizens Award. The Council consists of hardworking students committed to making a difference in the community and inspiring other Isenberg students to do the same. The functions of the Council include supporting candidates in their pursuit of the award, building relationships with non-profit organizations, coordinating service events, promoting the mission, and engaging Isenberg at large.
The Isenberg Global Citizens Program connects business students with their community and recognizes them for their commitment to both service and integrity. Through continuous volunteering, young professionals are exposed to non-profit organizations and the principles of corporate social responsibility well before starting their careers.
Candidates of the program enjoy numerous benefits which include earning a credential for their resume, joining a tight-knit network of other Candidates, building team and leadership skills, creating powerful experiences for recruiting and taking pride in helping their communities. Over the past several years the organization has grown rapidly with over 350 candidates and a total of over 20,000 hours of service.
In addition, Global Citizens has partnered with dozens of local non-profits for students to easily access the non-profit opportunities in the local Amherst and Pioneer Valley community.
In order to receive the Global Citizens Award, a candidate must be a student in the Isenberg School of Management at graduation and complete the requirements presented here.

Hot Chocolate Run, Sunday, December 8, 2024
For many years, Isenberg has been a major sponsor of the Hot Chocolate Run for Safe Passage, an organization that addresses domestic violence. Each year we have many faculty, staff, and students participate in, volunteer for, and donate to this great event. Out of hundreds of teams, Isenberg's is usually the largest; please join our team this year and support this local organization.
Ways to get involved:
- Join the Isenberg Global Citizens team as a walker or runner at the event Sunday, Dec. 8, in downtown Northampton. Once you sign up, you'll receive a personalized fundraising page you can share with friends and family.
- If you're not interested in running or walking, you can still join our team as a "fundraising only" participant (there's no charge for this option), or simply donate to support the team.
- Volunteer with the event by using this signup form.
Contact Us
Reach out to us with any questions:
Isenberg Global Citizens is a program supported by the Undergraduate Programs Office at Isenberg.