You can find important information regarding registering for courses below including dates, helpful reminders and notes, and advisor contact information.
Winter enrollment requires creating an enrollment appointment in Spire. Walk - through Enrollment Tutorial can be found on the MSBA Student Resource Page under Enrollment & Curriculum section.
Important Dates
October 13 – Enrollment opens
December 10 – Preview week for courses in BBL
December 17 – Winter classes begin
December 23 – Last day to Drop with 100% tuition refund (class fees only)
January 7 – Last day to late Drop through advisor and instructor with 50% tuition refund
(class fees only)
January 24 – Winter courses end
February 2 – Grades appear on transcripts
Winter 2022 Course Offerings (December 17 – January 24)
Online Core Courses:
- SCH-MGMT 660 (25317) Marketing Strategy (3 credits)
- SCH-MGMT 680 (25319) Leadership & Organizational Behavior (3 credits)
Online Substitution courses (for those waived from any core courses – confirm with your advisor if you are not sure):
- SCH-MGMT 697RT (25065) Artificial Intelligence in Business (2 credits)
- SCH-MGMT 697SU (25347) Survey Development and Analysis (1 credit)
- SCH-MGMT 644 (25132): Economic Analysis for Managers (3 credits)
- SCH-MGMT 797QA (25322): Quality Analytics (1 credit)
- SCH-MGMT 797QA (25323): Quality Analytics (2 credits)
Helpful Reminders and Notes
- Winter is an optional semester.
- Courses are online/asynchronous. Please see tuition and fee schedule here.
- Make sure all holds are cleared. If you have a hold on your record/account in SPIRE, this could prevent registration. To view a hold, log into SPIRE, look on the right side of the screen on your Student Services Center page under "Holds".
- Unlike other semesters, Winter enrollment requires creating an enrollment appointment in Spire. Walk - through Enrollment Tutorial can be found on the MSBA Student Resource Page under Enrollment & Curriculum section.
Mandatory Graduation Requirement
- If you are taking your last class in Winter 2022, your degree eligibility form should be emailed to your advisor by November 15, 2021 or sooner to be included in graduation.
- Please list all classes in the order taken along with grades (leave grades blank for classes in progress). Be sure you receive a confirmation receipt by our office.
We're Here to Help
Schedule an advising session with your advisor. Advising sessions fill very quickly - please schedule your appointment as soon as possible.