Monideepa Tarafdar
Charles J. Dockendorff Endowed Professor | Editor-in-Chief: Journal of the AIS | PhD Coordinator in Information Systems
Recent Honors / Awards
Professional Experience
Academic Appointments
Other Academic Appointments
Research Interests
Teaching Interests
- Digital innovation and strategy
- Strategic and organizational aspects of data analytics/AI/algorithms
- Dark side of information technology
Selected Publications
Hu, Y., Ding, L., Denier, N., Tarafdar, M., Konnikov, A., Hughes, K., Hu, S., Knowles, B., et al., Language in job advertisements and the reproduction of labor force gender and racial segregation, forthcoming in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Nexus.
Bagchi, C., Menczer, F., Lundquist, J., Tarafdar, M., Paik, A., Grabowic, P. A., Social media algorithms can curb misinformation, but do they? Science, September 2024.
Tarafdar, M., Stelmaszak, M., How IT can solve common DEI problems, Harvard Business Review, August 15, 2024.
Pinski, M., Tarafdar, M., Benlian, A., Why executives cannot get comfortable with AI, MIT Sloan Management Review, April 2024,
Tarafdar, M., Stich, J-F., Maier, C., Laumer, S.,Techno-eustress creators: Conceptualization and empirical validation, Information Systems Journal, forthcoming
Mattern, J., Tarafdar, M., Klein, S., and Schellhammer, S., Thriving in a bruising job: How high achieving IT professionals can cope with occupational demands, Information Systems Journal, forthcoming
Tarafdar, M., Rets, I., Hu, Y., Can ICT Enhance Workplace Inclusion? ICT-Enabled Workplace Inclusion Practices and a New Agenda for Inclusion Research in Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems June, 2023
Tarafdar, M., Page, X., Marabelli, M. Algorithms as Co-workers: Human-Algorithm Role Interactions in Algorithmic Work, Information Systems Journal, 33,2, 2023.
Tarafdar, M., Shan. G., Thatcher, J., and Gupta, A., Intellectual Diversity in IS Research: Discipline-Based Conceptualization and an Illustration from Information Systems Research, forthcoming in Information Systems Research, 33, 4, December 2022, 1119-1516. [Featured Article for Information Systems Research]
Cram, A., Wiener, M., Tarafdar, M., Benlian, A., Algorithmic Control and Technostress experienced by Uber Drivers, Journal of MIS, 39, 2, 2022.
Tarafdar, M., and Saunders, C., Remote, Mobile and Blue Collar: ICT enabled job crafting to elevate occupational wellbeing, Journal of the AIS, 23, 3, 2022.
Tarafdar, M. and Ray., D.K., Role of Social Media in Social Protest Cycles: A Sociomaterial Examination, Information Systems Research, 23, 3, September, 2021, 675-1097.
Maier, C., Laumer, S., Tarafdar, M., Mattke, J., Reis, L., and Weitzel, T., Challenge and hindrance IS use stressors and appraisals: Explaining contrarian associations in post-acceptance IS use behavior, Journal of the AIS, 22, 6, 2021.
Fernandez, A., Tarafdar, M., Spring, M., Information Technology Use in Temporary Organizations: The Case of the 2016 Olympic Games, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, forthcoming 2021
Tarafdar, M., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T., Explaining the link between technostress and technology addiction in social networking site, Information Systems Journal, 20, Issue 1, 2020.
Pirkkalainen, H., Salo, M., Tarafdar, M., and Makkonen, M., Deliberate or Instinctive? Proactive and Reactive Coping with Technostress, Journal of MIS, October 2019.
Tarafdar, M., Beath, C.M., and Ross, J., Using AI to enhance business operations, MIT Sloan Management Review, June, 2019
Stich, J., Tarafdar, M., Stacey, P., and Cooper, C.L. Appraisal of Workplace Stress from Email Use: A Person-Environment Fit Approach, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20, Issue 2, Article 2, March 2019.
Tarafdar, M., Cooper, C.L., Stich, J. The technostress trifecta - techno eustress, techno distress and design: Theoretical directions and an agenda for research, Information Systems Journal, 30, 1, 2019