Minutemen Equity Fund
The Minutemen Equity Fund was established in 2007 by Isenberg students who wanted to supplement their classroom education with hands-on learning. With help and support from alumni and faculty, the Fund secured $25,000 from the UMass Endowment to invest in public companies. The goal of the Fund is to provide students with an opportunity to gain experience in asset management as well as increase their marketability in internship and full-time recruiting in industries such as equity research, investment banking, sales & trading, commercial banking, and corporate finance. Since 2007, the Fund has increased the number of members as well as the size of the portfolio through capital appreciation and alumni donations. The MEF has introduced networking trips and workshops with prominent Isenberg alumni. Initially, the Fund invested only in ETFs, but has since transitioned to taking long positions in individual stocks. Additionally, over the years, the Minutemen Equity Fund has grown to recruit students of all majors across the University.