John D. Wells
Senior Vice Provost for Life Long Learning & Professor
Professional Experience
Academic Appointments
Recent Honors / Awards
Research Interests
Teaching Interests
- Special Topics and Readings in Information Systems
- Research Methods in Information Systems
- Strategic Information Management
- Electronic Commerce Strategy
- Electronic Commerce
- Introduction to Information Systems
- Systems Analysis and Design
- IT-Enabled Operations
Selected Publications
Campbell, D., Wells, J.D., and Valacich, J.S., "Breaking the Ice in B2C Relationships: Understanding Pre-Adoption eCommerce Attraction," Information Systems Research, 2013, 24(2), pp. 219-238.
Wells, J.D., Valacich, J.S., and Hess, T.J. "What Signal are you Sending? How Website Quality Influences Perceptions of Product Quality and Purchase Intentions," MIS Quarterly, 2011, 35(2), pp. 373-396.
Wells, J.D., Parboteeah, D., and Valacich, J.S., "Online Impulse Buying: Understanding the Interplay Between Consumer Impulsiveness and Website Quality," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2011, 12(1), pp. 32-56
Wells, J.D., Campbell, D., Valacich, J.S., and Featherman, M., "The Effect of Perceived Novelty on the Adoption of Information Technology (IT) Innovations: A Risk/Reward Perspective," Decision Sciences, 2010, 41(4), pp. 813-843.