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Feng Qiu

Assistant Professor



PhD in Management, University of Oregon, 2020
MBA, Oregon State University, 2015
BBA, Wenzhou University, 2012

Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor of Organization Studies, UMass Amherst, 2020-present

Recent Honors / Awards

Isenberg Teaching with Digital Technology Award, 2024
University of Oregon Dissertation Research Fellowship, 2019-2020
Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences Dissertation Research Award, 2019
2018 & 2019, Robin & Roger Best Research Award

Research Interests

Behavioral Ethics
Unethical Leadership

Teaching Interests

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Human Resource Management

Selected Publications

Qiu, F., Mai, K. M., & Ellis, A. P. (2025). Examining The Hindering Effects of Receiving Help on Internal Reporting of Unethical Behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Wen, X., Liu, Z, Qiu, F., Leavitt, K., Wang, X., & Tang, Z. (2025). A Power Dependence Model of the Impact of Leader Impostorism on Supervisor Support and Undermining: The Moderating Role of Power Distance. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Mesdaghinia, S., Eisenberger, R., Wen, X., Liu, Z., Lewis, B., Qiu, F., & Shapiro, D. L. (2023). How Leaders Drive Followers’ Unethical Behavior. Journal of Management, 49(7), 2318-2353.

Lee, R., Mai, K. M., Qiu, F., Ilies, R., & Tang, P. M. (2022) Are You Too Happy to Serve Others? When and Why Positive Affect Makes Customer Mistreatment Experience Feel Worse. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 172, 104188.

Leavitt, K., Qiu, F., & Shapiro, D. L. (2021). Using Electronic Confederates for Experimental Research in Organizational Science. Organizational Research Methods, 24(1), 3-25.

Liu, X., Liao, H., Derfler-Rozin, R., Zheng, X., Wee, E. X., & Qiu, F. (2020). In Line and Out of the Box: How Ethical Leaders Help Offset the Negative Effect of Morality on Creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1447–1465.