Eight faculty members received awards for exceptional teaching and research at Isenberg's All School Meeting on April 30. Co


Eight faculty members received awards for exceptional teaching and research at Isenberg's All School Meeting on April 30. College Outstanding Teaching Awards went to Assistant Professor Yoon Ju Kang (tenure track, pictured left) and Chef-Professor and Senior Lecturer Jenafer Andren-Kazunas (nontenure track, right). Kang teaches auditing and financial accounting; Andren-Kazunas teaches food service management.

A second award, for Teaching Excellence, honored Assistant Professor Jeremy Bentley (tenure track, left) and Lecturer Emily Must (nontenure track, right). Bentley teaches financial and managerial accounting; Must teaches sport law, administration, and analytics.

Outstanding Research Awards went to Professor Albert Assaf (post-tenure, left) and Assistant Professor Matt Katz (pre-tenure, right). Assaf’s research targets tourism and transport management and economics, strategic management, and applied economics and statistics. Katz focuses on consumer behavior in sports, social network analysis, and sports history.

Awards in Research Excellence honored Associate Professor Elaine Wang (post-tenure, left) and Assistant Professor Priyank Arora (pre-tenure, right). Wang’s research includes individual judgment in accounting and auditing, group auditing, and managerial and operational distortions. Arora focuses on socially responsible and sustainable operations, including nonprofit and healthcare organizations.

Isenberg doctoral candidates also received recognition—Scott Jackson for teaching and Sean Kim and Aaron Mansfield for research.