Interviews can be stressful, overwhelming, and nerve-wracking. On the other hand, they can also be interesting, fun, and self-fulfilling. Employers interview hundreds of thousands of candidates, and i


Interviews can be stressful, overwhelming, and nerve-wracking. On the other hand, they can also be interesting, fun, and self-fulfilling. Employers interview hundreds of thousands of candidates, and if you’ve landed an interview, you are another number in that bunch. Want to be more than just a number? Here are 6 ways to be interesting and stand out during your “generic” interview:

Get Your Interviewer Talking. People love to talk about themselves, and when you show a genuine interest in someone else’s life, skills, and accomplishments, they have a fond memory of who you are, and they are more likely to remember you.

Be Prepared To Ask Questions…Interesting Ones! Avoid the generic “why did you choose to work here” type of question, because chances are, your interviewer has heard them all before. Try to prepare some interesting, more in-depth questions that may even require your interviewer to think. For example, ask them how they see their personal strengths adding to their team in the future.

Make Your Answers As Interesting As Your Questions! If you’re going to be creative and ask interesting questions, you might as well prepare interesting answers to the questions that your interviewer asks you. Behavioral questions can be hard to answer, but coming up with something that you have done that is interesting and unique can be a stand out defining feature.

Let Some True Colors Show. Your personality is something that interviewers look for. If you prefer to stand out with a nice bright necklace or a more colorful tie, then do just that! Ultimately, you want to be able to express yourself in the workplace, and a unique part of your wardrobe may help you do so while still looking professional.

“Use The Briefcase Technique.” Research the company and the position that you are applying for, and come up with a short 1-2 page proposal of what you would do in the first 30-90 days of your new job. What ideas do you have? Before you leave your interview, pull this proposal out of your padfolio and leave it with your interviewer. This is something that isn’t typically done, so you will stand out and show your determination!

Mirror Your Interviewer. Try to gauge the intensity of the interview and the interviewer. If your interviewer is very proper, then you too should act very proper; however, if your interviewer is a little more relaxed, don’t be afraid to let some of that stress go. After all, some interviewers get nervous conducting interviews just as much as you may get nervous going through the process.

Check out 6 Ways To Be Interesting During Your Interview from CAREEREALISM!

Article By Stephanie Berenson