Website Edits
There are two separate forms for different kinds of website support we can provide. Please select the option that best suits your needs below. Please provide at least one week lead time for all website edit requests.
Submit edits to existing pages or new page requests
Submit new faculty, staff, or student profiles—or edits to existing profiles
Email Support
We can provide email support for programs, centers, and departments within Isenberg that want to send emails to Isenberg students, faculty, and staff. Requests must be submitted in a reasonable time frame for the creation and approval process (please provide at least one week for internal and student emails and two weeks for emails to our alumni audience as well as mailing lists to families). We do not email on behalf of students. If you are looking to email an event invitation to alumni, please see notes below regarding events for alumni.
Announcements: Website Calendar, Social Media, Digital Signage
Use this form for assistance promoting your meeting, club, research, etc. on social media, the website calendar, and the digital signage in the building. (USE EMAIL REQUEST FORM ABOVE FOR EMAIL REQUESTS.) Please allow one week lead time for digital signage, a single post on social media, and web calendar page requests. For social media campaign requests, please allow at least four weeks lead time.
Note: The video wall in the Hub is reserved for Dean-level messaging and/or school-approved events that are using the entire Hub. For school-approved events, the video wall may only be used during the event.
ATTN Faculty: Promotion of Isenberg course offerings, through email distributions, plasma screens, etc., should be coordinated by the department chair and approved by the appropriate Undergraduate or Graduate Associate Dean. Individual faculty should not attempt to promote their courses through Isenberg Marketing Communications, University Relations, UWW, the Registrar’s Office, or other campus resources.
Newsfeed Stories and Articles
We can provide support for an article or written copy for large events, guest speakers, student accomplishments, faculty research, etc., to share a story, or highlight a student. We can also assist with event coverage including photos and live social media posting. Please provide at least six weeks lead time for a press release and two weeks lead time for event coverage or newsfeed stories.
Business Card Design Files
We will provide you with a ready-to-print design file in one week of receiving the request. Requestor is responsible for contacting Amherst Copy or the online business card printing service of choice.
Submit Business Card Design File Request
General MarCom Support
We can provide general support including updates to brochures/handouts, branding/logo needs, help with templates (PowerPoint, Word, etc.), and other needs. Please allow at least four weeks lead time for large, multi-page design projects and two weeks lead time for smaller, single-page design projects. Timelines to produce graphic materials do not include printing and distribution. Some requests may take longer depending on typical scenarios.
Promotional Materials (SWAG)
Before you submit this form, please browse our approved internal swag shop for an item you may need: Please make a new swag request at least five to six weeks before desired—providing a due date one to two weeks before an event is highly recommended to account for shipping. Requests made from the internal swag shop for pre-approved items only need to account for normal shipping time.
Submit Promotional Materials Request
Registration Support
It is highly recommended to create a Google Form for events not associated with collecting payment. For registration that collects payment, complete the form below. It is recommended to request support at least seven weeks before actual event promotion with one additional week for the registration page to be live and published on the site.
Frequently Referenced Non-MarCom Support Links
Request access to an Isenberg Canva account with the Software Request Form.