In 1993, the McCormack Department of Sport Management established the Harold J. VanderZwaag Distinguished Alumnus Award in honor of Dr. VanderZwaag’s unwavering dedication and commitment to the Department. The award is given for professional excellence, outstanding achievement in the sports industry and dedication to the McCormack Department of Sport Management.
Our alumni are also acclaimed outside of Isenberg, with our department housing the most Sports Business Journal Forty Under 40 winners of any sport management program in the United States.
VanderZwaag Award Winners:

2022-23 Erin McDermott, MS ’96; Marc Ross, MS ’97; Mike Unger, MS ’94; Frank Viverito, MS ‘78
2021-22 Paul Cacciatore, BS ’96; Adina Erwin, MS ’95; Amy Gleeson, MS ’98; Jeffrey Pollack, MS ‘03
2020-21 Joe Fitzgerald, BS ‘90; Nancy Gonsalves, MS ‘92; Steve Herbst, BS ‘88; Pamela Levine, BS ‘94, MS ‘00
2019-20 Catherine Carlson, MS ‘98; Ben Cherington, MS ‘97; Daryl Jasper, BS ‘93; Richard Lenfest, BS ‘90
2018-19 Declan Bolger, MS ‘89; Noreen Morris, MS ‘91; Cindy Stutman, BS ’98, and Scott Zuffelato, MS 1987
2017-18 Colleen Duffy Brace, BS ’95; Jeff Goering, MS ’97; Dave Hixon, MS ’79; Bob Schwartz, BS ‘84
2016-17 Chris Antonetti, MS ’97; Russ Spielman, BS ’92; and Jennifer Masi, MS ‘99
2015-16 Christine Franklin, BS ’00 and George VanderZwaag, MS ‘89
2014-15 Ted Dalton, MS ’98; Steve Cohen, BS ’89; Peter John-Baptiste, BS ’97; Heidi Pellerano, MS ‘98
2013-14 Pam Batalis, MS ’92; John Martin, MS ’91; Howard Nuchow, BS ‘92 and David Wright, MS ‘99
2012-13 Ian McCaw, MS ’86; Jay Monahan, MS ’96; Gloria Nevarez, BS ’93 and Vaughn Williams, BS ‘92
2011-12 Carolanne McAuliffe, BS ‘90 and Neal Huntington, MS ‘92
2010-11 Burke Magnus, MS ‘94 and Wade Martin, MS ‘96
2009-10 Paul Archey, MS ’89; Jim Carr, MS ‘90, and Lisa Masteralexis, BS ‘87
2007-08 Thorr Bjorn, BS ‘90 and Bob DeCarolis, MS ‘79
2006-07 John Wentzell, MS ‘84 and Amy Scheer, BS ‘86
2005-06 Sporty Jeralds, MS ‘83 and Joseph McEacharn, BS ‘95
2004-05 Amy Ehrlich, BS ‘84 and William Munson, MS ‘73
2003-04 Greg Bouris, BS ‘83 and Tom Peters, MS ‘72
2002-03 Robert Newman, MS ‘87 and Jay Ogden, MS, ‘78
2001-02 Harvey Greene, MS ‘76 and Peter Luukko, BS’ 84
2000-01 Wayne Levy, BS ‘87 and Dave Littlefield, MS ‘88
1999-00 Bill Hubbard, BS ‘87 and Jeff Price, MS ‘89
1998-99 Stephen McKelvey, MS ‘85 and Jeff Twiss, BS ‘87
1997-98 Anne Flannery, MS ‘89 and Dennis Mannion, BS ‘82
1996-97 Sandy Barbour, MS ‘83 and Barney Hinkle, MS ‘85
1995-96 Richard Ensor, MS ‘84 and Charles Steedman, BS ‘84
1994-95 Judith Davidson, Ph.D. ‘83 and Dennis Robinson, MS ‘82
1993-94 Chet Gladchuk, MS ’74; Carl Hirsh, MS ’80; Michael Tamburro, BS ‘75, and Patricia Viverito, MS ‘79
Professor Steve McKelvey Alumni on the Rise Award Winners
In 2013 the McCormack Department of Sport Management established the Alumni-on-the-Rise award in order to recognize alumni who graduated 5 to 10 years ago and who have demonstrated exceptional achievement within the sport industry while also giving back to the McCormack Department of Sport Management at Isenberg through their time and resources. In 2022, the award was renamed in honor of Professor Steve McKelvey in recognition of his passion for industry engagement and the career development of McCormack students and alumni.
2023 Nick Avanzato, BS ’13; Michael Fish, MBA/MS ’12; Rachel Krasnow MBA/MS ’13; Brody Mankus, MS ‘15
2022 Danielle Byrd, MBA/MS 2016; Sohil Gala, MS ’12; Carly Salerno, BS ’13; Adam Tuval, BS ‘13
2021 David Haynes, BS 2011; Laurel Hosmer, MS 2013; Melcolm Ruffin, BS, 2013; Scott Savran, BS 2013.
2020 Andrew George, MS ’10; Victoria Neamonitis, BBA/BS ’12; Caitlyn Prandato, MS ’10; Andrew Sherwin, BS ‘09
2019 Scott Crowder, BS ’09; Brenna Dykta, MBA/MS ’10; Danielle Lopez MS ’12, and Adam Nurik, BS ‘10
2018 Preetam Sen, BS ’10; Kairon Serrette, MS ’08; Elissa Hollander, BS ’11, and Melissa Marchionna, MS ‘08
2017 Eric Ginsberg, BS ’09; Karina Herold, MBA/MS ’08 and Evan Olesh, MBA/MS ‘10
2016 Alison Cole, MBA/MS ’06; Brett Danahy, BS ’05; John Schlieman, MS ’05, and Joseph Smith, MBA/MS ‘05
2015 Zaileen Janmohamed, MBA/MS ’05; Evan Levine, BS ’07; Takehiko Nakamura, MS ’05, and Michelle Price, BS ‘05
2014 Koby Altman, MS ’08; Michael Antolini, BS ’03; Michael Goldstein, MBA/MS ’07; Christopher Starck, BS ’05, and Jeff Wagner, MBA/MS, ‘07
2013 Troy Ewanchyna, MS ’02; Jeff Ianello, BS ’02; Li Li Leung, MBA/MS ’03, and Alex Schwerin, BS, ’03
Exceptional Service Award
The Exceptional Service Award recognizes an individual who has provided exceptional service and support over many years to the success of the McCormack Department of Sport Management at Isenberg.
2023 Cathie Schweitzer
2018 Dr. Laurie Priest
2017 Peter Thompson
2016 William Dinn BS ‘89