The Graduate Programs Office has joined forces with the Consulting Club to put on a Masters Mixer! Come mix and mingle with other Isenberg Masters students and watch a Slide Roulette competition! Wha

The Graduate Programs Office has joined forces with the Consulting Club to put on a Masters Mixer! Come mix and mingle with other Isenberg Masters students and watch a Slide Roulette competition!

What is Slide Roulette? (watch this video)

  • 12 people will be given 4, 30-second slides at random (2 minutes total)
  • Each person will stand up in the front and give a 2 minute pitch that relates to the slides as best they can without knowing what the slides will be (hint: the slides could be anything… a graph, a table, a picture of a sloth eating ice cream…)
  • Our esteemed panel of judges (You may recognize them!) will decide at the end who the winner is by group consensus

Why should you participate?

  • You get to practice your public speaking - each of the judges will give you constructive criticism if you would like!
  • It's fun!  

All Masters students are welcome and Slide Roulette participation is optional. We hope to see you there!

Slide competition participants will be selected and notified in advance.

Register here.